
The Forward Partnership began in 2000, initially to support organisations meet the challenges of diversity. We have expanded our work to include personal development, organisational effectiveness, educational leadership and achievement.
We work with schools, charities, churches and other faith organisations.

We have a deep commitment to values-based leadership and as a result have developed processes and a toolkit to support leaders in articulating and aligning their organisations’ values to core purpose and actual practice.

We provide challenging facilitation and coaching for senior leaders in order to enable them to improve their leadership skills, build effective teams and clarify their strategic direction.

We offer bespoke training on addressing underachievement and educational disadvantage, especially Pupil Premium.

We undertake independent evaluation assignments, producing reports using a range of qualitative data methods.

Past clients include Schools, British Gas, Royal Mail, Cabinet Office, YMCA, Department for Education, Hti, Princes Trust, Salvation Army, Birmingham City Council, Lawrence Sheriff Teaching School, Birmingham Church Of England Diocese, Waverley Abbey College, Karis Neighbourhood Scheme, Interserve GB and Ireland, Riverside Church, Jericho Foundation and Reach Across.

Forward Partnership Limited      Company Number 06779870