Tim (as everyone called him; it would have been inappropriate to call him Mr Brighouse) left Birmingham around the time I joined the Council as a Schools Advisor. So, what little I know of him I learnt afterwards, including now. During my PhD research I learnt about his extensive work on race and education and which is included in my 2019 book – British Pakistani boys, education and the role of religion- in the land of the Trojan Horse’.
It is necessary to provide a bit of background to what Tim inherited in Birmingham education in terms of multicultural education.
The city’s education department was one of the early responders to
needs of immigrant children as recorded in Rose et al: Colour
and Citizenship (1969). The authority was also the first to acknowledge
the plural nature of society by issuing guidance on the teaching of world
religions (Does it do as it says? Learning for living. 15:4 125-126). Later, by the
1980s, in place was the Multicultural Support Service which was where my
teaching career had begun in 1983. Building on this, the incoming
Labour administration, in the 1984, had made clear its commitment to a
multicultural and anti-racist education:
Curriculum must reflect the diversity of cultures in our society
and must positively counter racism
Multi-cultural curriculum must apply to all subjects, all age
groups and all schools and colleges
In-service training for teachers with particular emphasis on
training in racism awareness
Greater recruitment of ethnic minority teachers.
The Multicultural Support Service contained
within it a number of units. One of these was the Multicultural Development
Unit which had 34 experienced teachers who were strategically placed in primary
and secondary schools. Apart from teaching, their job was to assist in the
whole process of moving towards an education that better meets the needs of all
pupils in a multicultural city. Another was the Afro-Caribbean Teaching Unit,
made up of 7 experienced teachers. There were also the Community Languages Unit
and an English as a second language unit which I had joined upon training as a
teacher. The above service produced the Multicultural Review. Each issue
carried articles including some written by practising Birmingham teachers.
Edited by David Ruddell, the journal was circulated to all schools, free of
At the time, Birmingham City Council had in place a 20% target for
recruitment of ethnic minority employees. In 1993, the year Tim arrived, the
Education Department had reported achieving well in excess of the target, at
33%; 29% in 1992.
There is a story about Tim’s arrival in
Birmingham and his absence from his office for a week or more. He was out and
about visiting schools across the local authority. This personal approach was
to mark his ten years in the city; he was clearly not an office-based bureaucrat.
He says thank you, when it’s merited, whether he sees something worthwhile himself or it is reported to him by his advisers. He has sent out 5,000, maybe even as many as 10,000 thank you notes in the last nine years. He won’t have talk about his leadership being all inspiration. “It’s 1% inspiration and 99% hard work and attention to detail and trying to get systems right,” he says.
Sir Tim Brighouse was an extraordinary man who embraced so many paradoxes, perhaps that is why he was so extraordinary. He was understated and humble, yet had significant influence at the top levels as well as local ones. He was all about school improvement at a system level and yet always remained the champion of teachers and students, never losing his connection with, or love of, the classroom. He was incredibly intelligent and insightful and yet never used that over people nor ever used it to make others feel inferior, he had a way of elevating others.
He advocated for a similar approach in others.
In his book ‘How Successful Headteachers Survive and Thrive’ Tim suggested that
Heads should greet children and teachers as they enter school. They should go
on a daily walk, talking to kitchen staff and cleaners as well as teachers, and
sometimes follow a pupil through a day’s lessons. They should say
“we”, not “I”. And they should spend two hours a week
doing “acts of unexpected kindness”rememberingbirthdays and writing appreciative notes.
In another of his books ‘Essential pieces – the jigsaw of a successful school’, Tim advocated leading and managing at different levels, ensuring that everyone plays their part. In addition, he made a case for creating a fit environment – visually, aurally, behaviourally and in a way that encourages learning – and involving and connecting with parents and the community.
During his nine-year tenure, the authority was at the forefront of developments in antiracist multicultural education. In 2003, Warren and Gillborn, who had been commissioned by Birmingham City Council and Birmingham Race Action Partnership, in their report Race Equality and Education in Birmingham stated how well the city was doing and reminded us that others often followed its example:
Birmingham Local Authority has
established an enviable reputation as an urban authority that takes seriously
both an overall agenda to ‘raise standards’ and a commitment to greater equity
and social inclusion.
Birmingham has been identified
nationally as a leading authority in the field of race equality: consequently
our findings have significance beyond the city itself.
The Local Authority was well known for the publication of resources on race and education. One such document was Together we can stop bullying – guidance for schools and other education services on challenging bullying and racial harassment. I particularly recall that document because I was asked to help revise the Section 5: Guidelines for reporting, recording and monitoring racial incidents, in the light of the Macpherson Report. Another resource was We also Served – testimonies of the contribution made in two World Wars by the peoples of the Indian Sub-Continent, Africa and the Caribbean.
Later, in an interview with Gillborn et al, Tim recalled his work as Chief Education Officer in Birmingham, emphasising that by the early 1990s the local authority had access to detailed data on performance by ethnicity and gender:
The period where I went to Birmingham – so that’s ’93 – by that
time, in Birmingham …we had rich data about how well different groups were
performing. Now nationally we hadn’t and I distinctly remember when I was in
Birmingham saying, ‘Hey, come on, I’ve got a problem with African Caribbean
boys’ – and girls – but particularly boys and particularly poor boys
…Incidentally when I [went] to a school and ask[ed], ‘How are African-Caribbean
boys doing in your school’ – and I knew the answer – the leadership of the
school were surprised that I was asking the question and [they] clearly hadn’t
thought about it. …So I think that the driver to get interested in all the
issues from about that period on was because by the time I left Birmingham,
then all that data was available.
Tim explained to the researchers that the data
had given the local authority the leverage to open up questions about racial
inequality that many individual schools had not yet begun to acknowledge. This
provided the basis for the establishment of groups; one for African Caribbean
achievement and another one for Pakistani and Bangladeshi pupils. The groups were
responsible for monitoring the experience and attainment of the target group of
pupils and for recommending improvements and initiatives designed to raise
achievement. These groups were radical in many ways, especially so because they
provided a platform for Black and Asian community activists to bring their
ideas to headteachers and local authority policymakers as well as holding the
bureaucrats to account.
There were numerous initiatives that resulted
from this approach and these achievement groups, including work with Black and
Asian parents, mentoring schemes targeted at ethnic minority students who were
underachieving and regular reports being published which provided the city much
useful data. Above all else, in a city where the phrase ‘dictatorship of the
bureaucrats’ had been coined (Newton in his book Second City Politics) it was during
Tim’s time that such culture of accountability in education became a norm,
including and especially for ethnic minorities who were previously kept at a
distance from education centres of power and decision-making.
Probably the best document that summarises the
race equality work in Birmingham Education during that period was the
submission to the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Public Policy Review Panel
- The Chief Education Officer has measurable specific ‘targets’ for improvement for underachieving groups
- The Education Service is integrating the Macpherson recommendations into its ongoing programme to enhance minority ethnic achievement, promote cultural diversity and combat racism.
- Grant-aiding of 111 community supplementary schools so to recognise the significance of minority cultures and languages and their relationship with educational achievement
- Minority Ethnic Recruitment to Initial Teacher Training scheme which had enabled 66 people to gain qualified teaching status, with a further 20 in the process.
Tim had led by example in this respect and
pretty much everything he asked others to do. An illustration of this was when
Tim attended, as the Chief Education Officer, a meeting with the African
Caribbean community. He referred to it as a ‘baptism of fire’:
The hall was full of 300 or so people from the African-Caribbean
community. All were angry. All felt let down by the education system. Most were
in despair. It was difficult not to be defensive and almost impossible to
persuade them that I would or could contribute anything.
Birmingham also had a number of innovations which were aimed at
all children but which had a particular benefit for children from disadvantaged
backgrounds. One example of this was the ‘guarantees’. The
primary school guarantee promised improvements in school budgets. It promised
that the local authority would try to improve its services to schools and to
listen to expertise in school improvements. It promised to follow through on
targets for literacy and numeracy. Also, every child was to have the opportunity
to take part in a public performance and go on a residential field trip; every
child was to have whatever they were good at in the expressive arts identified;
every child would be part of a group producing a book or multimedia project
that would tell a story for a younger age group; all would take part in a
collective environmental inquiry. Meanwhile, the Secondary Guarantee
promised that:
Throughout their total 11-16 school life pupils should have been encouraged to celebrate the City’s wide range of cultures and religions, and have been taught to promote racial and sexual harmony, tolerance and injustice (sic; of course they meant justice).
The authority was inspected by Ofsted in 2002 the report from which stated:
Birmingham local education authority
is one of a very small number of EAs which stand as an example to all
authorities of what can be done, even in the most demanding urban environments.
The LEA’s work to combat racism is
described as very good with a number of different initiatives to raise
achievement of minority ethnic groups also highlighted.
Soon after receiving a glowing endorsement from Ofsted Tim decided to leave Birmingham. There was much that was different now compared with the situation in 1993 when he had first arrived.
Since Mr Brighouse’s appointment in 1993 results in the city have
improved year on year at all levels and at a faster rate than national
averages. In Birmingham in 2001 41.4% of pupils achieved 5 or more A to C
grades at GCSE compared to 33% in 1996. At key stage 2 in 2001 71% achieved
level 4 or above in English compared to 46% in 1996, 67% in maths compared to
44% and 85% in science compared to 48%.
‘Tim’s contribution to Birmingham is almost immeasurable. He took
an under performing service and made it a service with an international
reputation for urban education. He leaves the department in amazingly good
shape with a superb collection of head teachers, advisors and support staff. We
are committed to continuing improvement and will not be complacent.’
I had little chance for contact with Tim,
especially in person. One time he came to one of our staff gatherings. My
highlight from that event were the few minutes I spent with him in the dinner
queue. I said to him: I sometimes wonder whether I should work full time as a
schools advisor. He said it wasn’t about being full time in one job or part
time in a couple; it was the total impact you made that mattered. Suffice it to
say I carried on portfolio working until I was made redundant when Birmingham
dismantled its education advisory services.
We could see the progress that had been made
in race equality during Tim’s time by looking at another comment from Ofsted
the year after Tim left; – thematic inspection on combatting racism:
We found the schools we visited to be very outward-facing
institutions – acting to mainstream race equality and ask how they could
provide better education opportunities for children (and parents).
We were impressed by the schools’ engagement activities with
parents. That work enabled support on attainment (such as mentoring) and
progress to be effectively communicated; offered parents access to
extra-curricular activities; and built parental confidence in the positive
nature of school/pupil relationships.
In 1996, Tim had written the following words (at the end of his
chapter: Urban Deserts or Fine Cities? in the 1996 book by Barber and Dann:
Raising Educational Standards in the Inner Cities) which give us a clue how
things were done back then:
Birmingham is fortunate: there is one common factor of agreement
and determination. We are going to capitalize on our teachers and the hopes of
all our parents for the next generation. Together we are applying the lessons
of research and we are backed by formidable political will.
Champion of Muslim children
In one of his interviews Tim talked of the
need to understand race as a permanent social issue (‘I don’t believe racism
will ever be cracked at all. I don’t …it’s something you’ve just got to keep
returning to’). He was particularly critical, therefore, of what he perceived
as the government’s failure to address issues such as Islamophobia and a
general failure to maintain a focus on equalities in education.
During his time, Birmingham
Education had produced a number of resources that had their focus on Muslim
children, the largest pupil religious group in the city’s schools:
- Understanding your Muslim pupils – for new
teachers to Birmingham
- Muslim music and culture in the curriculum
- Improving participation of Muslim girls in
physical education and school sport
Birmingham had been one of the first local authorities to publish guidance
for education of Muslim children: Revised guidelines on meeting the religious and
cultural needs of Muslim pupils,
published jointly by the City of Birmingham Education Department and the local
Muslim Liaison Committee. The working group that produced the guidelines was
established in 1984. The resulting document, while focused on Muslim children,
was seen to have wider implications.
should be seen as an instrument that guides our provision and response to the
needs of other religious minorities, since the principles of tolerance,
respect, and recognition of cultural and religious groups are universally
The wider context for the guidelines was the local
authority’s document: Education for our multicultural society: equality assurance—the
authority’s policy. The aim of this policy was to promote equality
and justice through the establishment of a multi-cultural and anti-racist
perspective in the city’s schools, as follows:
- preparing all pupils for a life
in a multi-cultural society and building upon the strengths of cultural
- providing for the particular
needs of children having regard to their ethnic, cultural, and historical
- being aware of, and countering,
racism and the discriminatory practises that give rise to it.
Tim, in his role as the Chief Education Officer,
endorsed the guidelines in these words:
am delighted to know that the Muslim Liaison Committee has produced these
guidelines. I would recommend schools consider the guidelines for meeting the
needs of their Muslim pupils and make good use of them.
The guidelines focused on a number of areas, including collective worship, prayer facilities, religious festivals, school meals, sex education, dress and uniforms, showering and changing, swimming, and a range of other curriculum areas such as music, dance, and drama. Tim was to repeat his commitment to the education of Muslim children in British society. In his role as the then Chief Advisor for London Schools and Visiting Professor at the Institute of Education, he was the guest of honour at the launch of national guidance for Muslim education by the Muslim Council for Britain (further details in the blog written at my encouragement). This stated:
It is essential that positive account be taken of the faith dimension of Muslim pupils in education and schooling. The faith of Muslim pupils should be seen as an asset to constructively addressing many of the issues that young people face today.
Tim said:
I think it is a hugely important day, not merely for the Muslim community in this country but for our society as a whole, that you have done this. I think it is a superb document, and I thank you for it. I think it is a splendid first draft, and even if you never got to a second draft, it would still be a terrific document that we have.
Every school in this country needs to have this, and I appeal to
the teachers’ unions in this country to give their full backing to this
document; they would ensure that the teachers have a better opportunity of
unlocking the minds of everybody in this country if they took it seriously.
I could tell you that 500 schools in Birmingham would welcome
this document, and that’s in Birmingham alone. And I can tell you that another
3,000 schools in London would welcome this document. I read it cover to cover.
I think it’s a fantastic document.
We need documents such as this from all faith positions, and I
hope people from different faiths will read this document and make sure that
the schooling system has references to this point. i.e., that they can use in
their schools.
Tim mentioned the
Chartered London Teachers Conference to be held the following week, which he
was going to chair. With reference to the conference delegates, he went on to
say that the document was…
…based on the premise and assumption that to teach in an urban
area, particularly London, which has many faiths, many religions, and many
races, there is a requirement on all teachers to have greater knowledge,
greater skill, and greater expertise to do the basic job of a teacher, which is
to unlock the mind and open the heart of our children in our schooling.
Next week, I am going to draw this document to the attention of
the conference, and I am going to ask them to campaign with me to make sure
that documents like this are prepared from different religious points of view.
So, they have the best chance of unlocking the minds of all our future
Speaking about the choice and determination of this society
and this country, Tim said,
The choices are: are we really determined? We are
going to a place that is proud to be a society where people of many different
faiths, coming from many different races, and speaking many different languages
live together in harmony, peace, and respect for each other. I think it is a
contribution precisely to that determination for our future.
He added,
I would ask anybody to read this document and say
which part of it they don’t agree with. I started by saying that I am not a
person of religious faith. I have read that document, and there is nothing in
it to which I would not assent. It is something, I think, all educated people should
take seriously.
later during the Trojan Horse affair Tim was to intervene, alongside a
number of educationalists; all of whom with deep knowledge of Birmingham. They expressed
concern about Ofsted’s role and failure to be impartial and independent. This
included a letter. In their view those conducting the inspections had been
poorly prepared and had a pre-set agenda that called into question Ofsted’s
claim to be objective and professional. They pointed out that it was:
beyond belief that schools which were judged
less than a year ago to be ‘outstanding’ are now widely reported as
‘inadequate’, despite having the same curriculum, the same students, the same
leadership and the same governing body.
For Tim, a major contributory factor in the
Trojan Horse affair was the broken system of school governance which had
contributed to the situation in Birmingham. He pointed out that in his
experience it is quite normal for school governors to misbehave. However, when
they do so, usually their colleagues remind them of the respective roles of
governors and school professionals. If they still continue with their agenda
the local authority would step in, as had happened on a few occasions during
his time as the chief education officer. The local authority would work with
all the stakeholders to sensitively find a way forward that was the best for
the interest of the children and the wider school community.
As senior officers, with the help of local
councillors and the Cabinet Member concerned, we would spend many evenings in
schools, community venues and Balti houses seeking better understanding of the
way forward with both governors and community members on the one hand and
head-teachers on the other.
Tim laid the blame for Trojan Horse at the Department
for Education. He reminded us that five of the six schools which were labelled
as inadequate were academies. More specifically, he singled out the then
Secretary of State for Education, Michael Gove, for his failure to use his
powers to investigate what was going on in the schools in question, by sending
in officials to governing body meetings. For Brighouse, such central control of
education meant that communities such as Birmingham were being “treated as a
colonial outpost of London”.
My colleague from Birmingham Education, Gilroy
Brown, who knew Tim much more than I, has said the following words:
The passing of Prof Tim Brighouse is a great loss to us
all and will be felt acutely by those of us who served in Birmingham from mid-90s
to early 2000s. He was a breath of fresh air that swept through our city at a
time when many of us School leaders felt we needed inspiration and clarity
regarding our role as educators .
The terms inspirational, charismatic and catalyst for
change aptly describe his character and the difference he made to the
educational landscape of Birmingham.
He often challenged leaders to see themselves as the
driving force for change and improvement and encouraged teachers to believe
that they could change the world. We all believed we could “improve on our
previous best “ and improve educational outcomes for our children and there
were no barriers that we couldn’t overcome.
He believed there was something unique about every school
and therefore endeavoured to visit all of them. The focus was always about the
difference we can make in the lives our children, empowering them and making
sure that no one is overlooked or forgotten ( the invisible child).
My last communication was earlier this year; with its
priceless Tim typo. I met Tim at the launch of Colin Diamond’s edited
collection The Birmingham Book, for which I had written a chapter. At the time,
along with Professor Tahir Abbas, I was editing our book Ethnicity, Religion,
and Muslim Education in a Changing World: Navigating Contemporary Perspectives
on Multicultural Schooling in the UK. I asked Tim whether he would consider
writing an Afterword. Sadly he declined the invitation.
Around the time I needed to have a difficult conversation
with Tim (and his co-writer Mick Waters). How to do so was the challenge! So, I
took the direct approach.
Me: I thought it was a shame
that you and Mick, in your recent book ‘About our Schools’ did not talk about
the multicultural work done in Birmingham, especially during your time there.
Tim: I agree …. we
found ourselves wanting to make a long book even longer and it left that major
hole…you are right to be crtical!! (sic).
I’m just glad that I was able to put my views
to him while he was still with us in person. Though in many ways he will always
be with us, in our thoughts and in our hearts. He made our (education) world a
little better and built foundations for us to build upon. May God bless him, his
memory and legacy and comfort his nearest and dearest. Karamat